Issue |
Med Sci (Paris)
Volume 35, Number 12, Décembre 2019
Anticorps monoclonaux en thérapeutique
Page(s) | 1114 - 1120 | |
Section | Anticorps monoclonaux : de la complexité du passage du laboratoire à l’homme | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 06 January 2020 |
Mécanismes d’action et toxicités potentielles des anticorps monoclonaux
Mechanism of action and adverse effects of monoclonal antibodies
Service de Pharmacologie médicale, CHRU de Tours ; EA 7501, GICC, équipe PATCH, Université de Tours, 37000 Tours, France
LabEx MabImprove,
Service de Pharmacologie, CHU Caen ; EA4650, Normandie Université, Caen, 14000, France
Monoclonal antibodies are therapeutic monoclonal Ig that act by highly specific binding to their target antigen and by interacting with the immune system. Their side effects are mainly related to their mechanism of action. The most frequent adverse effects are infusion reactions. Post-marketing surveillance is essential for identifying adverse reactions and improving knowledge of their mechanism of action.
© 2019 médecine/sciences – Inserm
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