Issue |
Med Sci (Paris)
Volume 34, Number 6-7, Juin–Juillet 2018
Numérique et santé
Page(s) | 587 - 589 | |
Section | M/S Revues | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 31 July 2018 |
Qui initiera la transformation digitale de la santé?
Who will kick off the digital transformation of health?
Servier International, 50, rue Carnot, 92284 Suresnes, France
Depuis quelques années fleurissent une multitude d’initiatives digitales médicales qui affichent de tangibles signaux d’efficacité. Elles placent souvent le patient au cœur de leur approche et s’affranchissent, tout au moins conceptuellement, des silos entre les grands acteurs de la santé (industrie pharmaceutique, autorités de santé, hôpital, payeurs).Il en découle une fragilité structurelle susceptible de constituer un terreau favorable à l’arrivée d’acteurs issus du monde numérique, des « pure players », capables de repenser et de transformer radicalement les modèles économiques en proposant des alternatives digitales de rupture centrées sur les besoins des patients.
Over the past few years, numerous medical digital initiatives have blossomed, displaying tangible signs of efficacy in improving, for example, medication adherence or lifestyle. Such patient-centered solutions free themselves, at least conceptually, from the silos between the major players in healthcare (pharmaceutical industry, health authorities, hospitals, payers). The lack of a global rethinking of patient care has resulted in structural fragility. This could provide fertile ground for the arrival of players from the digital world, called “pure players”, who could radically rethink and disrupt business models by proposing personalized digital solutions based on patients’ needs. Thus, in the management of chronic disease, such as cardiovascular disease or type 2 diabetes, “pure players” could bring about a paradigm shift via a commitment to achieve results which are driven by real-world outcome assessment rather than being means-driven.
© 2018 médecine/sciences – Inserm
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