Issue |
Med Sci (Paris)
Volume 32, Number 2, Février 2016
Page(s) | 217 - 220 | |
Section | Forum | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 02 March 2016 |
Sommet de Washington : feu orange pour la thérapie germinale ?
Chroniques génomiques
The Washington summit: orange light for genome editing?
UMR 7268 ADÉS, Aix-Marseille, Université/EFS/CNRS, Espace éthique méditerranéen, hôpital d’adultes la Timone, 264, rue Saint-Pierre, 13385 Marseille Cedex 05, France
CoReBio PACA, case 901, parc scientifique de Luminy, 13288 Marseille Cedex 09, France
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The summit organised in early December 2015 considered in depth the various issues (technical, scientific, societal and ethical) raised by the prospect of genome editing using the extremely effective CRISPR system. Germline editing (for therapeutic or “enhancement” purposes) was stated to be irresponsible under current conditions, but the possibility that this could be considered in the future was not excluded; a mechanism for monitoring progress and possibly revising recommendations was proposed.
© 2016 médecine/sciences – Inserm
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