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International Consensus Statement on Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Jolie L. Chang, Andrew N. Goldberg, Jeremiah A. Alt, Alzoubaidi Mohammed, Liza Ashbrook, Dennis Auckley, Indu Ayappa, Hira Bakhtiar, José E. Barrera, Bethany L. Bartley, Martha E. Billings, Maurits S. Boon, Pien Bosschieter, Itzhak Braverman, Kara Brodie, Cristina Cabrera‐Muffly, Ray Caesar, Michel B. Cahali, Yi Cai, Michelle Cao, Robson Capasso, Sean M. Caples, Lana M. Chahine, Corissa P. Chang, Katherine W. Chang, et al. International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology 13(7) 1061 (2023)
Les troubles du sommeil chez les patients atteints d’un trouble neurocognitif