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Current Research in Embryology

Sebastien Elis, Florence Batellier, Isabelle Couty, et al.
Current Research in Embryology 121 (2011)

Restless legs syndrome mothers and attention–deficit/hyperactivity disorder children: What happened between them?

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Search for the genes involved in oocyte maturation and early embryo development in the hen

Sebastien Elis, Florence Batellier, Isabelle Couty, et al.
BMC Genomics 9 (1) (2008)

Control of Fetal Growth and Neonatal Survival by the RasGAP-Associated Endoribonuclease G3BP

Latifa Zekri, Karim Chebli, Hélène Tourrière, et al.
Molecular and Cellular Biology 25 (19) 8703 (2005)