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Table 1

The value of independent variables and dependent variables in the Logistic regression equation.

Factors Variable Assignment
TMD Y Negative, Y=0; Positive, Y=1

Age X1 ≤40 year, X1=0; 40 year, X1=1

Gender X2 Male, X2=0; Female, X2=1

Disorder of occlusal relationship X3 Negative, X3=0; Positive, X3=1

Open mouth habit X4 Negative, X4=0; Positive, X4=1

Hemi-mastication X5 Negative, X5=0; Positive, X5=1

bruxism X6 Negative, X6=0; Positive, X6=1

Mental factors X7 Negative, X7=0; Positive, X7=1

History of orthodontic X8 Negative, X8=0; Positive, X8=1

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