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JTC-801 induces apoptosis of M14 cells. A. JTC-801 enhances the percentages of early and late apoptotic M14 cells. The apoptosis-induced effect of JTC-801 in M14 cells was evidenced by an Annexin V/PI double staining assay. Representative images (left : untreated cells (NC); right, JTC-801 treated cells) were generated using the FlowJo™ software. B. Expression of the apoptosis-associated proteins Bcl-2, Bax and active casepase-3 as detected by Western-blot (representative images). JTC-801 increased the expression of apoptosis-inducing factors and decreased that of the anti-apoptotic protein (JTC-801 treatment for 24h). C. Histograms showing the differences (expressed as fold changes) observed in Westen-blot experiments shown in B (left panel, Bcl-2 ; middle panel, Bax ; right panel, active caspase-3; *, versus NC, P<0.05, Student’s t test). N = 3 for each group.

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